Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chapter 4: Megalopolis

While Orange County, CA is nowhere near Megalopolis is can be put into terms of being part of another "megalopolis," that megalopolis being the greater Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the United States.  It is largely a metropolitan city and the surrounding areas are also largely urban but do have it's differences. This Greater LA consists of Los Angeles, Ventura, southwest San Bernardino, and Orange Counties along with the city of Riverside.

- In 2009 the U.S Census estimated that the Greater Los Angeles area had a population of 17,786,419.
- It also has specialization in economic growth, particularly in film and entertainment labeled as the "Entertainment Capital of the World."
- It is located on the Pacific Ocean where Long Beach and Los Angeles have major trading ports.
- The land has become more developed over the years. Downtown saw high development in the 1980s as well as Orange County.
- The area is well known for it's highway systems as cars are the main transportation system.

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